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PDF Rendering
Convert PDF to Image (.NET)
Convert PDF to image on Android (Xamarin)
Convert PDF to image on iOS (Xamarin)
Convert PDF to image in Windows Store apps (.NET)
Convert PDF to image in Windows Phone apps (.NET)
PDF to image in Universal Windows Store apps (.NET)
Free PDF Viewer control for Windows Forms (.NET)
How to integrate PDF Viewer control in WPF app (.NET)
Creating WPF PDF Viewer supporting bookmarks (.NET)
Cross-platform PDF Viewer using GTK# (MONO)
Silverlight PDF viewer control (Silverlight 5)
Multithreaded PDF rendering (.NET)
Convert pdf to image in Silverlight app (C# sample)
How to set fallback fonts for PDF rendering (C#)
Avoiding the out-of-memory exception on rendering (C#)
PDF viewer single page application (WebAPI, AngularJS)
PDF viewer control for Windows 10 universal applications
Use custom ICC profile for CMYK to RGB conversion
PDF layers - separate images, text, annotations, graphics

PDF Forms Creation PDF Security
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Other topics
PDF Document Manipulation
PDF Content Generation
Fixed and Flow layout document API (.NET)
Creation of grids and tables in PDF (C# sample)
How to create interactive documents using Actions (C# sample)
Text flow effects in PDF (C# sample)
How to generate ordered and bulleted lists in PDF (C# sample)
Convert HTML to PDF using flow layout API (C# sample)
How to use custom fonts for PDF generation (.NET)
Create document with differently sized pages (C#)
Create PDF documents using MONO (C#/MONO/Windows/OSX)
How to use background images for content elements (C#/PDF Kit/FlowLayout)
Add transparent images to PDF document (C#)
Draw round rect borders in PDF documents(C#)
ICC color profiles and and ICC based colors in PDF (C#)
How to use bidirectional and right to left text in PDF (C#)
Create PDF documents from XML templates (C# sample)
How to resize PDF pages and use custom stamps (C#)
Add header and footer to PDF page (.NET sample)
How to use clipping mask for drawing on PDF page
Fill graphics path with gradient brushes in PDF (Shadings)
Apitron PDF Kit and Rasterizer engine settings
Add layers to PDF page (optional content, C# sample)
How to create free text annotation with custom appearance

PDF Content Extraction
PDF Navigation

PDF to TIFF conversion
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Government issued smart cards and PDF documents signing

Many EU and non-EU governments and organizations are now issuing so-called e-legitimations, e.g. SuisseID / MobileID in Switzerland, BankID / MobileID / National ID in Nordic countries, ID cards in Italy and Germany, Dutch copy of BankID called iDin, Belgian National ID and so on. Some of them are produced in the form of smartcards carrying necessary digital certificates which can be used for documents signing. 

There are a few ways to work with these cards from the development perspective and it depends on the provided driver and, consequently, supported interfaces. If the target OS is Windows you can either use CryptoAPI, CNG (CryptoAPI Next Generation) or PKCS#11 if supported by the device. Most vendors supply drivers for both, so it shouldn't be the problem. In case of .NET there is a great wrapper for PKCS#11 called Pkcs11Interop that is compliant with v.2.20 of the specification. Working with CryptoAPI often requires PInvokes to be defined and mastered and, honestly, may become quite challenging task.

With macOS it's a bit foggy, nevertheless you can use tokend drivers provided by various vendors either open source or commercial. Apple's own signing API works for this purpose however it may require dancing around to get things working.

Whichever way you choose, we can provide you with a reliable PDF processing library so you'd be able to sign documents without any problems, once you try our API defined to handle various signing scenarios. Apitron PDF Kit sets high standards in PDF processing and our team is well known for the outstanding customer support. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, we'll be happy to help you.

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