If you create a custom viewer for
PDF documents, then you could try Apitron PDF Rasterizer library that has
unique features designed specifically to meet the needs of custom viewer
writers. In addition to its core rendering functionality, it offers text search
and navigation API which help you to create a perfect viewer.
We won’t be focusing on search this
time, because it was well described in several articles (see this
or this).
Instead, we’ll show how to find and highlight existing links that are often
used to implement quick navigation between chapters of redirect users to
external web resource.
Links in PDF are defined using
special objects called LinkAnnotations. These objects can point to direct
destination within the same document or have an action assigned. There are lots
of actions defined in specification e.g. GoToAction, RemoteGoToAction, JavaScriptAction
etc. Apitron PDF Rasterizer provides support only for navigation-specific actions
and if you need support for all annotation and action types then you could take
a look at our Apitron PDF Kit
product. You can imagine the link annotation object as a “hot” area on PDF page
with predefined target or action. It doesn’t contain any text and usually
becomes positioned over the text block providing a hint for where it redirects.
In addition, Adobe reader often
parses document text and detects external links to web resources. It then
allows you to click on these links, as there were link annotation objects
created while actually it’s just a plain text. So you could also use text
search with regular expressions to find the links on page as a second option.
In this article we’ll show how to use Apitron PDF Rasterizer and its API to convert PDF page to image and highlight all links on this page.
The code
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
prepare graphics objects
Bitmap renderedPage = null;
Brush highlightBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(126, 255, 255, 0));
// store rendering settings
Resolution renderingResolution = new Resolution(144, 144);
RenderingSettings renderingSettings = new RenderingSettings();
Page firstPage = null;
// a
list of rects to highlight
IList<RectangleF> highlightRects = new List<RectangleF>();
// open
PDF document
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("../../files/test.pdf",
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,
using (Document doc = new Document(fs))
firstPage = doc.Pages[0];
renderedPage =
firstPage.Render(renderingResolution, renderingSettings);
parse links and store highlight rects
foreach (Link link in firstPage.Links)
if (link.IsUriLink)
Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer.Rectangle locationRect =
link.GetLocationRectangle(renderingResolution, renderingSettings);
link.GetLocationRectangle(renderingResolution, renderingSettings);
// search text in the same document using regular
expression matching URLs
using (SearchIndex search = new SearchIndex(new FileStream("../../files/test.pdf",
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,
search.Search(handlerArgs =>
first page only
if (handlerArgs.PageIndex > 0)
handlerArgs.CancelSearch = true;
add highlight rects by processing found items
foreach (SearchResultItem item in handlerArgs.ResultItems)
searchResultRegion =
renderingResolution, renderingSettings);
foreach (double[] block in searchResultRegion.Blocks)
float xMin = float.MaxValue;
float yMin = float.MaxValue;
float xMax = float.MinValue;
float yMax = float.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < block.Length;)
xMin = (float)Math.Min(xMin, block[i]);
xMax = (float)Math.Max(xMax, block[i++]);
yMin = (float)Math.Min(yMin, block[i]);
yMax = (float)Math.Max(yMax, block[i++]);
highlightRects.Add(new RectangleF(xMin,yMin,xMax-xMin,yMax-yMin));
new Regex(@"(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-_]+)+([\w\-\.,
render highlighted rects
highlightRects, highlightBrush);
Console.WriteLine("Press any
key to continue...");
/// <summary>
/// Highlights a list of rects.
/// </summary>
private static void HighlightRects(Bitmap renderedPage,
IList<RectangleF> highlightRects,
IList<RectangleF> highlightRects,
Brush highlightBrush)
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(renderedPage))
foreach (RectangleF rect in highlightRects)
g.FillRectangle(highlightBrush, rect);
/// <summary>
/// Transforms PDF rect to GDI rect.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="locationRect">Rect to transform.</param>
/// <param name="height">The height of the page.</param>
/// <returns>Transformed GDI rect.</returns>
private static RectangleF TransformToGDIRect(Rectangle locationRect, double height)
return new RectangleF((float)locationRect.Left, (float)(height - locationRect.Top),
(float)locationRect.Width, (float)locationRect.Height);
The complete code sample can be found in our github
Original document:
Pic. 1 Original PDF document with links
You can see that this document has three links, two of them
are marked with link annotation object and the last one is a part of the text.
Pic. 2 PDF page with highlighted links
You can see that all links are highlighted including the
link that was found in text and doesn’t have a link annotation created for it.
Apitron PDF Rasterizer can
be used to convert PDF to image or create custom PDF viewers, and provides comprehensive
API that helps you to get the job done. It can also be used for searching text
and dumping font names used in PDF document. It’s cross platform and works on
many modern platforms that makes your code reusable and easily portable.
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