1. Links and bookmarks in PDF
While these terms seem familiar,
we think there still needs to be a brief intro, describing their particular
properties taking into account the PDF basis. Links in PDF are made by link
annotations, special kind of “annotation” objects which, in general, can be added
to any page being a helpful addition to page content. There are lots of
annotation types defined in PDF specification, just take a look at the section 12.5.6 Annotation Types.
Link annotations - work as “hot” area markers and navigate user to
the desired location within the document, or to external destination. Seems
similar to HTML, but the key difference is that link annotations are totally
independent from the content of PDF document. It’s also possible to assign “actions” to link
annotations instead of pure Destination
objects, e.g. JavaScriptAction, GoToAction, SoundAction
etc. Section 12.6.4 Actions Types of
the specification has a complete list. We will focus on simple destinations in
this post, leaving the actions for near future.
Bookmarks - can be seen on the left pane of PDF reader if present,
see the image below:
Pic. 1 Bookmarks panel
PDF bookmarks work similar to
links, having the same set of features: one can be navigated using Destination objects, or the specific action
can be triggered by clicking a bookmark. In addition, they can form
hierarchical structures showing the outline of the document.
2. Fixed layout approach to navigation
Fixed layout API from Apitron PDF Kit for .NET provides
an easy and straightforward way to create links and bookmarks in pdf documents.
All necessary objects are described in the pdf specification and have very
close mapping to their library counterparts, therefore, one can quickly start
creating PDF documents by referring to a standard specification.
See the c# code sample below, it creates
a link and bookmark pointing to the second page:
public void CreateLinksAndBookmarks()
create pdf document
FixedDocument doc = new FixedDocument();
// add a
bookmark for second page
doc.Bookmarks.AddFirst(new Bookmark(new Destination(1),"Go to second page"));
// add
first page with text link
Page firstPage = new Page();
// add
link text
TextObject linkTextObject = new TextObject();
linkTextObject.AppendTextLine("Go to second page");
firstPage.Content.Translate(10, 820);
// add
link annotation covering the text
LinkAnnotation link = new LinkAnnotation(new Boundary(10,815,135,835));
link.BorderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(0);
link.Destination = new Destination(1);
// add
destination page
Page secondPage = new Page();
TextObject textObject = new TextObject();
textObject.AppendTextLine("Second page");
append pages
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("create_links_and_bookmarks_fixed_layout.pdf"))
The resulting document is shown on the image below:
Pic. 2 Creating pdf link and bookmark using fixed layout API
As it can be seen from this
image, the link and bookmark both navigate the user to the second page of the
document. We used Destination object
constructed using page index which set up the target for navigation. Note that
links on page are independent from content and are simply “hot” areas which can
cover any desired part of the pdf page.
3. Flow layout approach to navigation
If you were to create a flow
layout document and add links or bookmarks to it, you would have to use Link or Bookmark
property that each ContentElement provides.
We use a declarative approach here –
each content element indicates whether it is a link, pointing to other element
or external resource, or it needs a bookmark pointing to it, or both. The rest
is being processed automatically.
Consider the code:
public void CreateLinksAndBookmarksFlowLayout()
create pdf document
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument(){Margin = new Thickness(10)};
create first text block and make it a link
doc.Add(new TextBlock("Go to second
page"){ Color = RgbColors.Blue,
Link = new CrossReference("page2")});
// force
2nd page creation
doc.Add(new PageBreak());
// add
second text block, indicate that it needs a bookmark
doc.Add(new TextBlock("Second page") { Id = "page2",
Bookmark = new BookmarkEntry("Go to second page") });
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("create_links_and_bookmarks_flow_layout.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, new ResourceManager());
Pic. 3 Create pdf links and bookmarks using
flow layout API
It looks the same as document created using fixed layout
API. Notice that it took us less than 10 lines of code to produce this PDF
3.1 Advanced bookmarking sample
In this example we will create a
document outline using flow layout API, you can use this technique to create
table of contents or similar structural descriptions. See the image below, it
shows the document having a set of bookmarks and each of them corresponds to a
content section on PDF page.
Pic. 4 Hierarchical bookmarks
The code generating this document
is provided below, it uses a style matched via the type selector for textblock
elements styling; other parts are similar to the code from previous example.
Code sample:
public void CreateLinksAndBookmarksFlowLayoutAdvanced()
create pdf document
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument() { Margin = new Thickness(10) };
create style matching each textblock, making it small article
doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle("Textblock", new Style(){Display = Display.Block,
Height = 100,
Background = RgbColors.WhiteSmoke, Margin
= new Thickness(0,0,0,5)});
create a section with a root bookmark
Section page1 = new Section()
{ Bookmark = new BookmarkEntry("1. Introduction") };
page1.Add(new TextBlock("Introduction"));
// add
textblocks and indicate they need a bookmark
page1.Add(new TextBlock("Part 1.1 - place your
content here")
{ Bookmark = new BookmarkEntry("1.1 First section") });
page1.Add(new TextBlock("Part 1.2 - place your
content here")
{ Bookmark = new BookmarkEntry("1.2 Second section") });
// add
section to the document
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("create_bookmarks_flow_layout.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, new ResourceManager(), new PageBoundary(Boundaries.A6));
You can see that we used a Section object here to create the bookmarks
hierarchy. The bookmark assigned to the section gets created as the parent
bookmark for bookmarks generated for nested elements.
4. Conclusion
In this post we have shown how to
create links and bookmarks in PDF documents. You can read more about PDF
processing in our free book available for download here.
Future posts will continue to explore various aspects of PDF and our API.
The Apiton PDF Kit for .NET is a
powerful and easy to use pdf library available for all modern platforms.
Develop applications for Xamarin (iOS, Android, Mac) and cross-platform MONO
apps. Create Windows .NET applications targeting desktop, phone or tablet
users. It doesn’t matter whether you use WinForms, WPF, or develop for Windows
Store or Windows Phone Silverlight; it always provides you with an ability to
create perfect PDF documents. This library can be used to create web apps or
web services based on ASP.NET MVC, WebForms, Azure Web or Worker roles.
Contact us if you have any questions,
we’re always open for any feedback. Downloadable version of this article can be found by the following link [PDF].
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