1. Grid and table elements in PDF
If you were to generate reports
or similar documents, containing extensive amounts of ordered data, you would
probably think whether there is a default, PDF - specific way to do it. We
should disappoint you and assert that there’s no such way and PDF specification
simply allows us to put drawing commands on PDF page, encouraging to generate the
desired representation ourselves.
It should be noted, however, that
PDF outlines the special markup technique named “Marked content” that you can
use to define the nature of the graphical objects sets put on page. It could
help you to identify these objects later and provide some application-specific viewing or processing logic. See section 14.6. Marked Content in PDF specification for details. But you
still have to generate the content yourself, marked or not.
Manual generation of grids and
tables can appear as a boring task one could rather prefer to be automated. As
a part of this article, we’ll dive into details of automatic grid creation
and generation and show how to create perfect tables and grids using a few
small pieces of C# code and Apitron
PDF Kit for .NET component as the main tool.
2. Grid element in flow layout model
The grid element in flow layout
model is represented by the Grid
class and helps to automate the creation of tabulated data in PDF. Its rows are
represented by the GridRow objects
and cells can be of any supported content element type, mostly TextBlocks. To
place more than one content element into grid cell, you’d have to use one of
the available container objects e.g. Section.
When content element object is being added into a grid row to represent a cell,
one important modification to its style is being made – it becomes a block
element. Even if its Display property
had the value different from Block
before this addition, it would be set to Block
and content element would be treated as a grid cell. This modification also
assumes that when the column and row sizes are set explicitly, the element representing the cell will be sized accordingly.
The grid element supports
automatic splitting and can produce multiple pages if needed. Read more about
grids and flow layout model in our book Apitron PDF
Kit in action.
2.1 Grid borders and paddings
As any other content elements,
grids can have standard outer borders and paddings set. In addition, InnerBorder and CellPadding properties can be used to define one of the main grid's appearance characteristics: thickness
and color of lines separating the cells, and inner cell padding.
2.2 Simple grid with uniform cells
Let’s create the document containing a simple grid with
uniform cells, using the code below:
/// Creates simple grid with default inner border.
/// </summary>
public void CreateSimpleGrid()
// create resource manager and document object
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument(){Margin
= new Thickness(5)};
// create grid with 4 autosized columns taking 50% of the
available space
Grid grid = new Grid(Length.Auto,Length.Auto,Length.Auto,Length.Auto);
grid.Width = Length.FromPercentage(50);
// add 2 grid rows with data
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("Order"), new TextBlock("Date"),
new TextBlock("Customer"), new TextBlock("Paid")));
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("1184A"), new TextBlock("01/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"), new TextBlock("No")));
// add grid to document
// save document
using (Stream stream = File.Create("simple_grid.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, resourceManager);
The result looks as follows:
Pic. 1 Simple grid with uniform cells
Created grid has uniform cells and takes 50% of the
available page space; it has single inner border and two data rows (including
2.3 Simple grid with col spans and row spans
If the “customer” from previous
example had more than one order, we could group them all using a row span. To
show a col span, we will add a table header spanning across the table.
See the code:
public void CreateSimpleGridWithSpans()
create resource manager and document object
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument(){Margin = new Thickness(5)};
create grid with 4 autosized columns taking 50% of the available space
Grid grid = new Grid(Length.Auto,Length.Auto,Length.Auto,Length.Auto);
grid.Width = Length.FromPercentage(50);
// add
header row spanned across the grid
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("Orders and
payments") { ColSpan = 4,
Align = Align.Center }));
// add
col headers
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("Order"), new TextBlock("Date"),
new TextBlock("Customer"), new TextBlock("Paid")));
// add
data row with 3d column spanned across 3 rows below
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("1184A"), new TextBlock("01/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"){RowSpan
= 3}, new TextBlock("No")));
new TextBlock("No")));
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("1184C"), new TextBlock("05/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("No")));
// add
grid to document
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("simple_grid_with_spans.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, resourceManager);
And resulting image:
Pic. 2 Simple grid with col spans and row
Notice the last two rows having they columns shifted to the
right because of the row span in the middle of the row above them.
2.4 Simple grid with composite cells
If you were to put several
content elements in one cell, you would have to use a container element.
Suitable existing containers are Section
and Grid itself. Let’s add image and
text into the single cell. The code:
public void CreateSimpleGridWithCompositeCells()
create resource manager and register images
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
new Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.XObjects.Image("flag_red",
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument(){Margin = new Thickness(5)};
create grid with 4 autosized columns taking 50% of the available space
Grid grid = new Grid(Length.Auto,Length.Auto,Length.Auto,Length.Auto);
grid.Width = Length.FromPercentage(50);
// add
col headers
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("Order"), new TextBlock("Date"),
new TextBlock("Customer"), new TextBlock("Paid")));
create section for status cell
Section paymentStatusNo = new Section(
new Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.Content.Image("flag_red"),
new TextBlock("No") );
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("1184A"), new TextBlock("01/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"),
Section paymentStatusYes = new Section(
new Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.Content.Image("flag_green"),
new TextBlock("Yes") );
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("1184B"), new TextBlock("03/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"), paymentStatusYes));
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("simple_grid_with_composite_cells.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, resourceManager);
Resulting image:
Pic. 3 Simple grid with composite cells
2.5 Multipage grid
What if you data records take
more than one page and have to be paginated? Grid
element will handle it automatically unless it’s explicitly sized.
Sample below shows what happens if we rely on this behavior and add more
records than a page can fit.
Code sample:
/// Creates multipage grid.
/// </summary>
public void CreateMultipageGrid()
// create resource manager and document object
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument() { Margin = new Thickness(5) };
// create grid with 4 autosized columns taking 100% of the
available space
Grid grid = new Grid(Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto);
// add col headers
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("Order"), new TextBlock("Date"),
new TextBlock("Customer"),
new TextBlock("Paid")));
// add data records
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 45; rowIndex++)
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock(rowIndex.ToString()), new TextBlock("01/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"), new TextBlock("Yes")));
// add grid to document
// save document
using (Stream stream = File.Create("multipage_grid.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, resourceManager, new PageBoundary(Boundaries.A6));
This code creates a grid split on
two parts because it simply doesn’t fit on one page. If we add more records or change output page
boundary, the number of generated pages will change accordingly. Notice that
you don’t have to do anything special for this pagination effect to happen,
it’s fully auto. If you set the grid height explicitly, you will limit the
number of visible rows (if their accumulated height exceeds the specified grid
The image below shows the
resulting PDF document containing multipage grid.
Pic. 4 Multipage grid
We have created only two pages here, but the idea is clear. Whenever you need a multipage grid in PDF, this flow layout code will do the job.
3. Grid rows and cells styling
Flow layout API offers rich
styling capabilities in a form of inline or selector-based styles. It is possible
to style individual cell elements as well as grid rows with minimum efforts, and create PDF documents with highly customized data grids within minutes.
3.1 Vertical and horizontal content alignment
The most often needed operation is positioning of the content
within cell’s boundaries. There are two
properties designed for that, named Align
and VerticalAlign respectively.
Align property, affects only Block
or InlineBlock elements, just like
its analog in HTML. Because table cells are being implicitly treated as block
elements, it’s possible to align their content using Align property exposed by each ContentElement
descendant. This setting can be inherited by inner block elements, making it
possible to set the horizontal alignment for the entire row by setting it for
the GridRow container object instead
of individual cell elements.
VerticalAlign property, can be used to define positioning of inline
elements within a line of content inside
the parent, and is, therefore, dependent on the line height of the parent element.
To vertically align an element, one would need to place it inside the Section or
similar container, and then set element’s VerticalAlign
property to the desired value.
In general, to align a piece of
content vertically inside the grid cell, you would have to:
- create a Section representing a cell, add it into GridRow
- set its LineHeight to be equal to the height of the parent row
- add the element to this section, and set its VerticalAlign to the desired value
Otherwise, if you had to
vertically align single line text block inside the grid row, you could just set
its LineHeight equal to the parent
row height without the use of the intermediate section.
Let’s see the sample code showing
how to create a grid with variously aligned cells content:
/// <summary>
/// Creates a grid with aligned content.
/// </summary>
public void CreateGridWithAlignedContent()
create resource manager and document object
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument() { Margin = new Thickness(5) };
create border styles for textblocks and sections
new Style(){Border = new Border(1), BorderColor = RgbColors.Red});
new Style(){Border = new Border(1), BorderColor = RgbColors.Green});
create grid with 4 autosized columns taking 100% of the available space
Grid grid = new Grid(Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto);
// add
header row
GridRow header = new GridRow(new TextBlock("Order"), new TextBlock("Date"),
new TextBlock("Customer"), new TextBlock("Paid"));
// set
text alignment, all cells will inherit this setting
header.Align = Align.Center;
header.Height = 30;
// add
content row
GridRow contentRow = new GridRow(new Section(new TextBlock("1237AS")
{ VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Bottom,LineHeight
= Length.FromPercentage(110)})
{ Align = Align.Left, LineHeight = 48 },
new Section(new TextBlock("01/02/2015")
{ VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top,LineHeight
= Length.FromPercentage(110)})
{ Align = Align.Right, LineHeight = 48 },
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"){LineHeight = 48},
new TextBlock("Yes") {Align = Align.Center});
contentRow.Height = 50;
// add
grid to document
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("grid_content_alignment.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, resourceManager, new PageBoundary(Boundaries.A6));
Take a look at the image representing the results created by
the piece of code above:
Pic. 5 Cell's content alignment
Sections and TextBlocks have color borders around them to
make their boundaries visible, and provide visual markers for further analysis.
See the annotated image below, it highlights the key elements and explains the
structure of the grid shown above.
Pic. 6 Cells' content alignment annotated |
All content elements have borders
added using matching styles. See that vertically aligned text blocks are positioned within sections added as cells and with their LineHeight set to row height. TextBlocks,
used as cells, align their content differently. The one, containing “John
Doe”, has its LineHeight set to row
height; the others have default line heights (based on font height), and their
content is vertically aligned within the
lines defined by these values.
3.2 Highlighting a row with a background color
Highlighting a row with some
color is as simple as setting its background color. Another way for achieving
the same result is to set background color for all elements in the row.
Whichever way you choose, you can either set the Background
property of the element explicitly, or use a style object matching one or more
elements if needed.
Let’s take the code from
multipage grid sample and slightly modify it, turning our grid to zebra:
/// <summary>
/// Creates a grid with even rows highlighted.
/// </summary>
public static void CreateZebraGrid()
create resource manager and document object
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument() {
Margin = new Thickness(5) };
register style for even rows using class selector
doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle("gridrow.gray", new Style(){
Background = RgbColors.LightGray});
create grid with 4 autosized columns taking 100% of the available space
Grid grid = new Grid(Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto);
// add
col headers
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("Order"), new TextBlock("Date"),
new TextBlock("Customer"),
new TextBlock("Paid")));
// add
data records
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 45; rowIndex++)
GridRow dataRow = new GridRow(new TextBlock(rowIndex.ToString()),
new TextBlock("01/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"),new TextBlock("Yes"));
if ((rowIndex & 0x1) == 0)
dataRow.Class = "gray";
// add
grid to document
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("zebra_grid.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, resourceManager, new PageBoundary(Boundaries.A6));
Resulting grid is shown on the image below:
Pic. 7 Grid with even rows highlighted
Note that we have added only a
simple style based on a class selector matching rows with class “gray”, and
assigned this class to each even GridRow
of the grid. Not much code really, but the final grid changes nicely. It’s
possible to define other styles, e.g. for odd rows, every 3rd row
and so on. All you need is a right style.
3.3 Cell styling
When it comes to cell styling,
the whole arsenal of content element properties is at your disposal. As usual
in flow layout, elements inside the grid row can be styled using their exposed
properties or matching styles. Let’s create a styled version of the very simple
grid from section 2.1 Grid borders and paddings. See the code:
Creates simple grid with styled cells.
public void CreateGridWithStyledCells()
create resource manager and document object
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument() { Margin = new Thickness(5) };
register styles:
// style
for all grid rows, sets horizontal content alignment
doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle("GridRow", new Style() {Align = Align.Center});
// style
for all child text blocks of the element with class "header",
// we use
it for grid header
doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle(".header > TextBlock",
new Style(){
Font = new Apitron.PDF.Kit.Styles.Text.Font(StandardFonts.HelveticaBold,
Color = RgbColors.White,
Background = RgbColors.Gray,
styles for textblock elements having classes "no" and "yes"
new Style(){Background = RgbColors.Red, Color = RgbColors.White});
new Style(){Background = RgbColors.Green, Color = RgbColors.White});
create grid with 4 autosized columns taking 100% of the available space
Grid grid = new Grid(Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto, Length.Auto);
create round border
grid.BorderRadius = 5;
// add
GridRow header = new GridRow(new TextBlock("Order"), new TextBlock("Date"),
new TextBlock("Customer"), new TextBlock("Paid"));
header.Class = "header";
// add
data rows
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("1184A"), new TextBlock("01/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"),
new TextBlock("No"){Class = "no"}));
grid.Add(new GridRow(new TextBlock("1184B"), new TextBlock("01/02/2015"),
new TextBlock("Jon Doe"),
new TextBlock("Yes"){Class = "yes"}));
// add
grid to document
// save
using (Stream stream = File.Create("styled_cells.pdf"))
doc.Write(stream, resourceManager, new PageBoundary(Boundaries.A6));
This code creates a grid with a
colored header and two rows. Each of the data rows has its last cell styled
according to the state of the payment using one of the defined styles. So, the
non-paid one becomes red, and the paid one turns green. In addition, the grid
has a round-rect border which, indeed, adds some coolness.
See the image below:
See the image below:
Pic. 8 Grid cells styling
Styling cells using build-in styling
mechanism offers unlimited flexibility and provides an easy and convenient way
to achieve complex visual effects in your grids. You can style any element in
any cell as you want, and it’s incredibly useful for data visualization.
We demonstrated how to use Apitron PDF Kit to create PDF documents containing complex tabular data structures such as grids. This .NET PDF component is available for many existing platforms and can be used in desktop, mobile, web, and cloud applications and services. We’d like to hear your feedback and see your comments regarding the library and API it offers. Contact our support or ask us here and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
4. Conclusion
We demonstrated how to use Apitron PDF Kit to create PDF documents containing complex tabular data structures such as grids. This .NET PDF component is available for many existing platforms and can be used in desktop, mobile, web, and cloud applications and services. We’d like to hear your feedback and see your comments regarding the library and API it offers. Contact our support or ask us here and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
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