Software modules that digital signatures
of the PDF file are called Filters (signature
handlers) in PDF terms. There are a few existing filters e.g. Adobe.PPKLite or Adobe.PubSec.
When the signature object is
being created it may have a preferred Filter
property assigned to it. There is also an additional SubFilter property of the signature that defines how the signature
data is being stored in the file; a few predefined values are as follows:
1. For signing PDF files using
PKCS#1, the only value of SubFilter that should be used is adbe.x509.rsa_sha1,
which uses the RSA encryption algorithm and SHA-1 digest method.
2. When PKCS#7 signatures are
used allowed values are:
The original signed message digest over the document’s byte range shall be incorporated as the normal PKCS#7 SignedData field. No data shall be encapsulated
in the PKCS#7 SignedData field.
The SHA1 digest of the document’s byte range shall be encapsulated in the
PKCS#7 SignedData field with ContentInfo of type Data. The digest of that
SignedData shall be incorporated as the normal PKCS#7 digest.
Additional information can be
found in PDF specification, see section 12.8.3 Signature Interoperability. It
is intended that conforming readers allow interoperability between signature
handlers; that is, a PDF file signed with a handler from one provider shall be
able to be validated with a handler from a different provider.
If present, the SubFilter property
of the signature shall specify the encoding of the signature value and key
information, while the Filter property shall specify the preferred handler that
should be used to validate the signature. When handlers are being registered according
to specification they shall specify the SubFilter encodings they support enabling
handlers other than the originally used to validate the signatures created.
So, to summarize all the things above: Filter - defines
validation module, SubFilter – defines how to store the signature value and key
info in PDF file.
In this example we’ll set a few custom
properties for the signature, namely the name of the application that created the
signature and GPS coordinates of the signer’s location.
Internally it uses the
SignatureField.PropBuild dictionary to set the software module name when the
signature is being created. PropBuild dictionary is a special dictionary that
allows writing custom values along with the signature. Read the PDF Signature
Build Dictionary Specification to find details about it.
The code
class Program
private static void Sign(string pathToDocument, string pathToCertificate,
string password, string pathToSignatureImage, Boundary signatureViewLocation)
// open
existing document andd sign once
using (Stream inputStream = new FileStream( pathToDocument,
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
using (FixedDocument doc = new FixedDocument(inputStream))
string imageResourceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
string signatureFieldId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
register signature image resource
doc.ResourceManager.RegisterResource(new Image(imageResourceId,
create first signature field and initialize it using a stored certificate
SignatureField signatureField = new SignatureField(signatureFieldId);
using (Stream signatureDataStream = File.OpenRead(pathToCertificate))
signatureField.Signature = new Pkcs7DetachedSignature(
new Pkcs12Store(signatureDataStream,password));
// set the software module
based on Apitron PDF Kit for .NET";
// set the GEO location of the place where the signature
was created
signatureField.PropBuild.SetValue("GEOTAG", "38.8977° N, 77.0365° W");
add signature fields to the document
create first signature view using the image resource
SignatureFieldView signatureView = new SignatureFieldView(signatureField,
signatureView.ViewSettings.Graphic = Graphic.Image;
signatureView.ViewSettings.GraphicResourceID = imageResourceId;
signatureView.ViewSettings.Description = Description.None;
add views to page annotations collection
save as incremental update
private static void CreatePDFDocument(string fileName)
using (Stream stream = File.Create(fileName))
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument() { Margin = new Thickness(10) };
doc.Add(new TextBlock("Signed using Apitron PDF Kit for .NET,
the signature
has a custom
property containing app name.
" +
on the signature image and select \"Signature Properties...\"-
>\"Advanced Properties...\""));
doc.Write(stream, new ResourceManager());
static void Main(string[] args)
string fileName = "signed.pdf";
// sign
once and save
Sign(fileName, "../../data/certs/JohnDoe.pfx", "password",
new Boundary(10, 750, 110, 800));
Please note that setting custom
properties using PropBuild dictionary is only possible if you use PKCS7
detached signature. The complete code sample can be found in our github repo.
Pic. 1 Custom signature properties added
using Apitron PDF Kit for .NET
As you can see, Apitron PDF Kit provides an easy
to use API that allows you to solve complex tasks like signing PDF and setting
custom signature properties using a couple lines of code. Additionally, its
cross-platform nature simplifies development if you’re targeting multiple platforms
at once e.g. .NET ecosystem, Android and iOS (using Xamarin) as it’s available for
all modern web, desktop or mobile platforms. Contact us if you have any
questions and we’ll be happy to help you.