Signing PDF from scratch is a
complex task and it may take some time to implement it properly. We made it much simpler with our Apitron PDF
Kit for .NET library and whenever you need to add a digital signature to PDF
document you can use our library and get it done in a minute. To help you on
the way, we’ve created a complete Windows Store Application C# sample showing
how to process ink drawings captured by InkManager
defined in Windows.UI.Input.Inking namespace.
The complete sample can be found
in Samples\Microsoft Windows Store 8.1 folder inside the download
package available on our website.
It’s called CaptureSignatureAsInkDrawing.
Solution overview
Demo app layout is plain, a white
panel and two buttons, one to save the resulting signature and create new PDF
file and one for clearing the signature panel.
See the screenshot below:
Pic. 1 Capture signature using Ink Manager,
sample windows store app
One can draw any signature and
click or touch (if you run it on Windows Surface or similar tablet) Save to PDF button. When it happens,
captured signature data becomes processed and converted to PDF drawing
commands. Resetting the pane is as simple as clicking Clear.
Resulting PDF file contains a
signature field with its visual representation placed on top of the first page.
See the image below:
Pic. 2 Resulting signed PDF file with
signature field
As it can be seen from the
picture, the resulting file was successfully signed using our certificate. In
order to become validated, the signature certificate has to be added into the trusted certificates list; otherwise a
yellow asterisk will appear, saying that unknown cert has been found. The visual representation of a signature consists of a SignatureFieldView
linked to a corresponding SignatureField.
It supports various visualization scenarios and makes it possible to use an
image or any other supported XObject
as signature representation.
The code
Code for capturing the signature
drawing in this sample is based on MS Ink Sample and its explanation can be
freely found online. Only PDF creation code is described below.
This function combines all parts together and creates
resulting PDF file. First of all we create FixedDocument and add a new Page object into it. After that, we
create a signature drawing (using ClippedContent object) and SignatureField. Going further we create a SignatureFieldView which goes to page annotations
collection and provides visual representation of the field.
/// <summary>
/// Handles Save to PDF button click event and performs
saving to PDF
/// </summary>
private async void SaveToPDFClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
create PDF document and append new page
FixedDocument document = new FixedDocument();
Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Page pdfPage = new Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Page(Boundaries.A4);
create signature drawing based on strokes captured by ink manager
var signatureContent = CreateSignatureDrawing();
register signature drawing as XObject for future reference
document.ResourceManager.RegisterResource(new FixedContent("signatureDrawing",
new Boundary(0,0,inkPanel.Width,inkPanel.Height),signatureContent));
create signature field, set its settings and append to document
SignatureField signatureField = await CreateSignatureField();
signatureField.ViewSettings = new SignatureFieldViewSettings()
= Description.None,
Graphic = Graphic.XObject,
GraphicResourceID = "signatureDrawing"
// scale
factor for signature
double signatureScaleFactor = 0.3;
// add
signature view widget on PDF page, it's being linked to corresponding field and
its size is being set using scale factor defined above
new SignatureFieldView(signatureField,
new Boundary(0, Boundaries.A4.Top, inkPanel.Height*signatureScaleFactor,
inkPanel.Width*signatureScaleFactor, Boundaries.A4.Top)));
create output file
StorageFile outputFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync("signature.pdf", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
// save
resulting PDF to local storage, can be found at
C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Packages\[package name]\LocalState\signature.pdf
using (Stream stream = await outputFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
This function creates signature drawing
using strokes captured by InkManager object.
It also sets the stroking parameters e.g. stroking color and line width.
/// <summary>
/// Create signature drawing consisting of PDF drawing
commands translated from ink manager.
/// </summary>
private ClippedContent CreateSignatureDrawing()
ClippedContent signatureContent = new ClippedContent(0,0,inkPanel.Width,inkPanel.Height);
// set
stroking parameters
// since
PDF coordinate system has inverted Y axis, we invert it here with transform
signatureContent.ModifyCurrentTransformationMatrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0,
// the
ink path
Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Content.Path strokePath = new Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Content.Path();
// Get
the InkStroke objects
IReadOnlyList<InkStroke> inkStrokes = inkManager.GetStrokes();
Process each stroke
foreach (InkStroke inkStroke in inkStrokes)
// Get
the stroke segments.
IReadOnlyList<InkStrokeRenderingSegment> segments;
segments =
Process each stroke segment.
bool first = true;
foreach (InkStrokeRenderingSegment
segment in
// The
first segment is the starting point for the path.
if (first)
first = false;
// Copy
each ink segment into a bezier segment.
BezierSegment bezSegment = new BezierSegment();
bezSegment.Point1 =
bezSegment.Point2 =
bezSegment.Point3 =
// Add
the bezier segment to the path.
segment.BezierControlPoint1.Y, segment.BezierControlPoint2.X,
segment.BezierControlPoint2.Y, segment.Position.X,segment.Position.Y);
stroke the path
return signatureContent;
A small function that loads signature certificate from
application resources and creates new SignatureField from this data.
/// <summary>
/// Creates signature field by loading the corresponding
certificate from app resources.
/// </summary>
private async Task<SignatureField> CreateSignatureField()
SignatureField signatureField = new SignatureField("signature");
using (Stream signatureDataStream = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.OpenStreamForReadAsync("data\\JohnDoe.pfx"))
signatureField.Signature = Signature.Create(new Pkcs12Store(signatureDataStream,
return signatureField;
Getting PDF document signed is
not that hard as it can be thought from the first sight. With the right tool in
hands you’ll be able to do it without any problems and on many supported
platforms (Windows .NET, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Xamarin Android and
Xamarin iOS, Mono).
Download Apitron PDF Kit library from our website (link) and read the free book written
for developers by our team (get the book here). Do
not hesitate to contact us if you have
any questions or would like to know more about our products.
Downloadable version of this article can be found by the following link [PDF].
Downloadable version of this article can be found by the following link [PDF].
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